All Cases

Protection from reprisal. Your right. Our mission.
T-2024-01 (Erik Dumouchel and Department of National Defence)
Case # T-2024-01
Case Name Erik Dumouchel and Department of National Defence
Paragraph 20.4(1)(a)
Filed on 2024-12-24
Status Ongoing
Complainant Erik Dumouchel
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada
Employer Department of National Defence
Individual respondents  N/A
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit N/A
Location N/A
Document Notice of Application (available in English only)

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2023-01 (Langille and Transport Canada and al.)
Case # T-2023-01
Case Name Langille and Transport Canada
Paragraph 20.4(1)(b)
Filed on 2023-03-31
Status Withdrawn / Settlement reached by the parties
Complainant Heather Langille
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada
Employer Transport Canada
Individual respondents  Tyler Brooks and Samantha Wilson-Clark
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit N/A
Location N/A
Document Notice of Application (available in English only)

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2017-01 (Agnaou and Public Prosecution Service of Canada and al.)
Case # T-2017-01
Case Name Agnaou and Public Prosecution Service of Canada and al.
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (b)
Filed on 2017-08-02
Status Dismissed
Complainant Yacine Agnaou
Applicant Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Public Prosecution Service of Canada
Individual respondents  Brian Saunders, Georges Dolhai, André Morin et Denis Desharnais
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit June 3-7, 10-14, 17-21 and 25-28, 2019
Location Montréal, Québec
Document Notice of Application (available in French only)

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2016-01 (Dunn and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Lecompte)
Case # T-2016-01
Case Name Dunn and Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Lecompte
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (b)
Filed on 2016-03-02
Status Dismissed
Complainant Chantal Dunn
Applicant Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Individual respondents  Sylvie Lecompte
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit April 3-7,12 and 18, 2017
Location Tribunal Hearing Room, 90 Sparks Street, 6th floor, Ottawa, Ontario
Document Notice of Application

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2014-03 (Korosec and Blue Water Bridge Canada)
Case # T-2014-03
Case Name Korosec and Blue Water Bridge Canada
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (a)
Filed on 2014-02-03
Status Withdrawn / Settlement reached by the parties
Complainant Stan Korosec
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Blue Water Bridge Canada
Individual respondents  N/A
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit N/A
Location N/A
Document Notice of Application

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2014-02 (Gardiner and Blue Water Bridge Canada)
Case # T-2014-02
Case Name Gardiner and Blue Water Bridge Canada
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (a)
Filed on 2014-02-03
Status Withdrawn / Settlement reached by the parties
Complainant Cathy Gardiner
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Blue Water Bridge Canada
Individual respondents  N/A
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit N/A
Location N/A
Document Notice of Application

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2014-01 (Joy and Blue Water Bridge Canada)
Case # T-2014-01
Case Name Joy and Blue Water Bridge Canada
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (a)
Filed on 2014-02-03
Status Withdrawn / Settlement reached by the parties
Complainant David Joy
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Blue Water Bridge Canada
Individual respondents  N/A
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit N/A
Location N/A
Document Notice of Application

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2012-01 (Lambert and Health Canada)
Case # T-2012-01
Case Name Lambert and Health Canada
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (a)
Filed on 2012-03-29
Status Settled between parties / Application summarily dismissed
Complainant Gérard Lambert
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Health Canada
Individual respondents  None
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit The hearing originally scheduled for April 15-19, 2013 has been cancelled at the request of the parties. The Tribunal granted a consent order and summarily dismissed the application.
Location N/A
Document None

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2011-02 (Roberts and Atomic Energy Canada Limited)
Case # T-2011-02
Case Name Roberts and Atomic Energy Canada Limited
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (a)
Filed on 2011-09-12
Status Settled through mediation / Application withdrawn
Complainant Wayne Roberts
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Atomic Energy Canada Limited
Individual respondents  None
Preliminary hearing N/A
Hearing on the merit The hearing originally scheduled for May 28, 2012 has been cancelled at the request of the parties. The Commissioner has, on consent of the parties, withdrawn the Application and the file is now closed.
Location N/A
Document None

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

T-2011-01 (El-Helou and Courts Administration Services, Power and Delage)
Case # T-2011-01
Case Name El-Helou and Courts Administration Services, Power and Delage
Paragraph 20.4 (1) (b)
Filed on 2011-05-16
Status Withdrawn / Settlement reached by the parties
Complainant Charbel El-Helou
Applicant Public Sector Integrity Commissioner
Employer Courts Administration Service
Individual respondents  David Power, Éric Delage
Preliminary hearing August 31, 2011
Hearing on the merit N/A
Location Tribunal Hearing Room, 90 Sparks Street, 6th floor, Ottawa, Ontario
Document None

Consult our Decisions & Orders section for any decision issued by the Tribunal in this case.

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