Client Consultation Committee
The Tribunal has established a Client Consultation Committee (CCC) to seek the views of its stakeholders on the processes, practices, policies and rules pertaining to procedural matters coming before the Tribunal.
Below are the Committee's terms of reference.
Terms of Reference
The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal (the Tribunal) has established a Client Consultation Committee (CCC) to support its efforts to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the administration and management of cases referred to the Tribunal under the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act.
These Terms of Reference define the mandate of the Committee, its operations, membership, duties and responsibilities, and accountabilities.
In establishing the CCC, the Tribunal’s objective is to seek stakeholders' views on the processes, practices, policies and rules as they relate to procedural matters coming before the Tribunal.
The CCC is not a forum for discussion of the merits of individual cases. The subject matter for discussion should be of general interest or pertain to the procedural issues of the Tribunal, such as the Rules of Procedure, guidelines, timelines and pre-hearing conferences. Discussions may contribute to finding solutions to specific procedural issues or identifying trends and best practices.
The CCC is composed of the following persons:
- The Chairperson, the Registrar of the Tribunal, the senior counsel of the Tribunal, and selected Tribunal officials as required;
- A representative of the following organizations:
- The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC);
- The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC);
- The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE);
- The Department of Justice (Treasury Board Secretariat);
- The Department of Justice (RCMP);
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Professional Ethics Office );
- The Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner;
- The Association of Professional Executives (APEX);
- A representative and other stakeholders who would want to comment upon the Tribunal’s procedures and practices.
The following representatives have stated that, as a general rule, they will not attend meetings, but have asked to obtain all agendas, meeting minutes, documents for consultation and other material from the CCC:
- The Association of Justice Counsel;
The CCC will normally meet at least once a year. Additional meetings at the call of the Chairperson or further to a member's request can be held for urgent matters.
If a member cannot attend a meeting, substitution is allowed with appropriate prior notice being provided to the Chairperson.
Expenses incurred by members related to their participation in the CCC are the responsibility of the representative attending.
The Chairperson may invite guests.
Members may also invite guests with the prior consent of the Chairperson.
Agenda and Minutes
The Chairperson establishes the agenda for the meetings.
CCC members will be canvassed at least one month ahead of the meeting date regarding proposed agenda items.
In order to foster a productive discussion, a proposed agenda will be circulated to all members at least 10 days before the meetings and discussion may only pertain to items placed on the agenda for that meeting.
The Chairperson has the discretion to add items to the agenda at the meeting to allow for last-minute issues that may arise.
The agenda will include one item pertaining to the approval of minutes, at the outset of each meeting.
Draft minutes will be provided within one month after each meeting.
The members will receive the finalized and approved minutes.
Administrative support
The Tribunal provides administrative support and reports at a general level on the subject matter dealt with at CCC meetings and any outcomes, such as reporting on a change to a Tribunal practice resulting from feedback provided by the CCC.
Discussion at proceedings to remain confidential
In order that the CCC may function in an atmosphere that encourages candour, CCC members will maintain reasonable discretion and confidentiality with respect to Committee discussions.
Committee members may share items of information and general discussion with their broader communities, such as the National Joint Council, the Treasury Board Secretariat, the RCMP and the Department of Justice.
The Terms of Reference will be reviewed at each annual CCC meeting.
Effective Date
These Terms of Reference take effect on November 20, 2017.
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