I Want to Report a Wrongdoing

As a public servant, you may disclose a wrongdoing to your supervisor, the senior officer designated by the chief executive of your organization or the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner.
Types of disclosures
The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act defines wrongdoing as:
- the contravention of any federal or provincial legislation or regulations,
- a misuse of public funds or a public asset,
- a gross mismanagement,
- an act or omission that creates a substantial and specific danger to the life, health, safety of persons, or the environment,
- a serious breach of a code of conduct,
- knowingly directing or counselling a person to commit a wrongdoing.
The Tribunal does not deal with disclosures of wrongdoing. Please consult Public Sector Integrity Canada's Web site or the Government of Canada’s Values and Ethics of the Public Service Web section to learn more about wrongdoing disclosures.
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